This small volume on the treatment of diseases has nothing "scientific" about it; every time I embark on a treatment I have no test results in front of me, no measurements, I am acting in the field of the imponderable: the patient's consciousness. I have no case series to report, as the clinical cases I handle are many and varied and because I work in a terrain which manifests itself through a response from the unconscious. This response varies from person to person and, in the same person, it also varies over time (but very often the patient is cured). I try to steer clear of the common wisdom that "The operation was a success - but the patient died." In this book, I have tried to use clear and simple language, which is the language of truth, so that everyone can understand me. My aim is to convey an important message: the best treatment abides by three principles: it must be effective as quickly as possible, be the least traumatic, and be the least expensive.
Anonimo -