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The Secret Poet 'The secret poet' this book is presenting the thoughts of the poet. There are so many types of poems you can see in this book. Love, breakup ,nature, family, friendship etc. involved into the book. there is a poet who wants feedback about his poems from the citizens. Because he wishes to give more better and beautiful words to society and be a good part of the country. A poet dedicated this book to one of the great 'HON. RATAN TATA'. Because the poet is very inspiring from ratan tata's great contribution to the India country.... -Mangesh Sonawale

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei » Racconti e antologie letterarie » Gialli e thriller » Saghe » Saghe familiari

Editore Ek Shayar Ke Bate Publication House

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 24/01/2025

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 1230008726827

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