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Tarzan the Ape Man - Laura Cremonini
Tarzan the Ape Man - Laura Cremonini

Tarzan the Ape Man

Laura Cremonini
pubblicato da Self-Publish

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Book size 21.59x21.59 cm. Black and white book.

Book, mainly, of only images. At the beginning of the book, the short essay: Tarzan of the Apes.

At the end of the images, the first chapter of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Fantascienza » Rosa » Contemporanei , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantascienza , Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa

Editore Self-publish

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 21/10/2020

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 1230004299295

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Tarzan the Ape Man


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