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"The Adventures of the Purry Family: A Happy Life with a Cat - Alexey Chorniy
"The Adventures of the Purry Family: A Happy Life with a Cat - Alexey Chorniy

"The Adventures of the Purry Family: A Happy Life with a Cat

Alexey Chorniy
pubblicato da Alexey

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"The Purr-fect Family: A Tail of Love and Adventures" is a heartwarming and inspiring story about a family that finds joy and adventure thanks to their furry friend. In this book, you will meet the Meow-rry family - Mom Lena, Dad Max, and their playful cat, Purr.

This book is about love, friendship, and the adventures that await when you decide to welcome a cute kitten into your home. From the moment they encountered Purr in the park to his first birthday and family trips to the sea, each chapter is filled with warmth, fun, and lessons about the importance of care and support in a family.

As you read this book, you will learn about the adventures that await when you adopt a furry friend into your home and how they can transform your life with their tenderness, loyalty, and joy. "The Purr-fect Family: A Tail of Love and Adventures" is not just a story about a cat; it's a story about love and happiness in the family that you'll want to read over and over again.

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Generi Gialli Noir e Avventura » Gialli, mistery e noir , Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller

Editore Alexey

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 21/03/2024

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 1230007544019

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"The Adventures of the Purry Family: A Happy Life with a Cat


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