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The Eternal Sleep of the Spirits - Simone Martino
The Eternal Sleep of the Spirits - Simone Martino

The Eternal Sleep of the Spirits

Simone Martino
pubblicato da Simone Martino

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A novel set in Palermo, late nineteenth century early twentieth century. The discovery of her diary wakes the protagonist, Anna's spirit up, throwing her back into her past. A gentle woman, whose life takes place more inside her warm soul than in a frivolity that is alien to her. That's why she entrusts her heart's turmoils to a precious diary which her parents gave her for her birthday. At the age of 28 she's still a "spinster", as they say in the village, mainly because she's poor and has no dowry. So, when in Officer Leonardi's house a post for a maid becomes vacant, her mother hurries to suggest her daughter as a candidate. Anna is hired and here she meets Alberto Solavia, Officer Leonardi's friend, who is about to become famous all over the world thanks to his particular embalming techniques. A friendship is born between them that soon becomes love. However, this feeling cannot become anything more, as Anna's family opposes their union. The protagonist will unknowingly be part of the most mysterious and famous story known in Palermo.

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Generi Gialli Noir e Avventura » Romanzi storici , Romanzi e Letterature » Narrativa d'ambientazione storica » Fiabe, miti e leggende » Romanzi contemporanei

Editore Simone Martino

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 20/03/2017

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 1230001600674

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The Eternal Sleep of the Spirits


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