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The Fairytale of Celestino - Giuseppina Afferrante
The Fairytale of Celestino - Giuseppina Afferrante

The Fairytale of Celestino

Giuseppina Afferrante
pubblicato da youcanprint

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His name was Celestino, an endearing name given to him by his mother, because of that light blue wax shirt, left mysteriously on the bedside table, which announced his birth.

Celestino could have had it all in life, but because of a misunderstanding he finds himself living with incredible misfortune. His parents are forced to leave him in a boarding school when he is only four years old, and although everyone wants to adopt the sweet, intelligent child, Celestino only wants to return to his home and embrace his family again. Until a meeting with two loving, big-hearted people will change his existence forever, showing us how life can always surprise us.
The fairytale of Celestino is a sweet and moving story that brings out the most truthful feelings but also the most complicated misadventures. A novel for adults and children, reminding us that love is the greatest flame which can animate us.

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Editore Youcanprint

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/02/2025

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9791222793542

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The Fairytale of Celestino


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