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The Feast in the Convent and other tales - Piergino Pedrocco
The Feast in the Convent and other tales - Piergino Pedrocco

The Feast in the Convent and other tales

Piergino Pedrocco
pubblicato da youcanprint

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The First Confession: The nuns of a convent are preparing the annual feast, but there isn't enough money. The eldest Sister, Vittorina, however, has a pleasant surprise in store for them.

The Gift of Christmas: On Christmas Eve, in a beautiful tranquil atmosphere, Felle is intrigued by the special gift promised to the poor family next door. Eventually, the mystery will be revealed.

The First Confession: A tale about a young girl and a patient priest trying to guide her on the right path, which results in an involuntary confession.

The Narrow Door: A tale about a stringent priest, who admonishes his parishioners with the evangelical metaphor of the narrow door, and discovers that sin lurks within his family, causing severe conflict.

The Madonna of the Mouse : A tale about a painting of the Madonna hung with the purpose of protecting a farmer's field. The end reveals the true meaning behind the purchase of the painting.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore Youcanprint

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 11/04/2023

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9791221455472

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The Feast in the Convent and other tales


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