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The Genesis Revealed - Compendium of the writings of Don Guido Bortoluzzi - Renza Giacobbi
The Genesis Revealed - Compendium of the writings of Don Guido Bortoluzzi - Renza Giacobbi

The Genesis Revealed - Compendium of the writings of Don Guido Bortoluzzi

Renza Giacobbi
pubblicato da Associazione Don Guido Bortoluzzi

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Don Guido Bortoluzzi was born in Puos d'Alpago, in the province of Belluno, Italy, in 1907, and attended the seminary with Albino Luciani (the future Pope John Paul I). In those years Don Giovanni Calabria (later declared a Saint) passed by at the seminary of Feltre to visit the rector, and when he noticed Guido he prophesied that the boy, in his old age, would write a very important book about the Genesis and its darkest points.
The Peruvian Servant of God, Father Mateo Crawley, predicted the same thing to him, and predicted to Albino Luciani that he would attain the highest levels of responsibility in the Church. Don Guido also "witnessed" the disaster of the Vajont dam, 18 years in advance. Although he warned the local people, no one believed him.
The mediated creation is one of the key revelations that Don Guido received from God, regarding the origin of man.
God implanted the first human cell (from which Adam would be born) in a pre-human female ancestor. She had basically acted as an incubator, to prevent that genes of her species passed into the new creature.
For the creation of the woman, God created and implanted a human ovum in the same female ancestor, fertilized by Adam's semen while he was sleeping.
Adam was to be unaware, so as not to replicate the process.
This version is a compendium from "Biblical Genesis", same author.

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Generi Scienze umane » Religione » Bibbia

Editore Associazione Don Guido Bortoluzzi

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 07/02/2018

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788827565933

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The Genesis Revealed - Compendium of the writings of Don Guido Bortoluzzi


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