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The Gods within Us - Carla Boccherini Anselmi
The Gods within Us - Carla Boccherini Anselmi

The Gods within Us

Carla Boccherini Anselmi
pubblicato da ilmiolibro self publishing

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"The Gods within us" by Carla Boccherini Anselmi is a new approach to Astrology, observed on the side of the planetary archetypes, the inner demons which configure our psyche: the X-ray of the soul.In this book, the author introduces us to what she calls "Evolutionary Astrology" : a process of recognition of our astrological archetypes, that determine who we are and what we might become.Evolutionary Astrology intends to guide each one to deepen their awareness through the knowledge of the astrological symbolism, and recognition of the forces that determine our choices, our attitudes, and ultimately whom we really are.In this full-bodied extract of the full text version are the foreword and the zodiacal signs seen as the Seats of the seven classical planets.

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Generi Esoterismo e Astrologia » Astrologia

Editore Ilmiolibro Self Publishing

Formato Ebook

Pubblicato 10/11/2015

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788892302105

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The Gods within Us


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