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The Gondolier of Death - Language Course Italian Level A2 - Alessandra Barabaschi
The Gondolier of Death - Language Course Italian Level A2 - Alessandra Barabaschi

The Gondolier of Death - Language Course Italian Level A2

Alessandra Barabaschi
pubblicato da mainebook Verlag

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Annika and her boyfriend Andrea spend a couple of days in Venice, one of the most romantic cities in the world. They attend a ball during the famous Venetian carnival. The evening among famous and influential guests carries on like a fairy tale for the young British girl. But a sudden death spoils the mood. What has happened and why? Annika will try to solve the mystery. The book also contains several entertaining exercises, which will help you learn faster: "Read & Learn", Focus on Grammar, Solutions, Dossiers 1 + 2 More crime novels and tourist guides through italy by Alessandra Barabaschi: "The War of the Roman Cats" (Level A1), "The Theft of Aida" (B1), "The Lost Stradivari" (B2)

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Generi Scienze umane » Linguistica

Editore Mainebook Verlag

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/03/2014

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9783944124391

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The Gondolier of Death - Language Course Italian Level A2


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