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The N. life planner. Entrepreneurship accelerator - Livio Ferraro

The N. life planner. Entrepreneurship accelerator

Livio Ferraro
pubblicato da youcanprint

Prezzo online:
€ 23.33
Disponibile in 3-4 settimane. la disponibilità è espressa in giorni lavorativi e fa riferimento ad un singolo pezzo
140 punti carta PAYBACK

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Prodotto acquistabile con Carte Cultura e Carta Docente

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The N.LiFe Planner® is the World's First Planner with a groundbreaking 6 stages system combining Mindset, Business Strategy and Time Management to help business builders to take vision into action. Packed with professional templates based on worldwide best practices, insightful ideas and downloadable strategic tools, the planner helps aspiring entrepreneurs to make the right decisions for their business and plan for future successes. Here's what you will discover: 1) How to reprogram yourself as an effective entrepreneur with the daily habits from the greatest entrepreneurs today. In the world of entrepreneurship and business, it's more about mastering your brain, not mastering the tactics of business. 2) How to design your business idea successfully addressing the customers' biggest problems, the market opportunities, the uncovered customers' needs, the competitors' landscape. 3) How to organize your life in an essential way to be focused on what really matters and to manage your time as an invaluable skill. The planner helps you to set long term goals and decompose it into daily pieces. The N.LiFe Planner is designed to be used daily. Take your time and do the work!It's time to get out of your comfort zone! Created by: Livio Ferraro - founder of 2 startups, visiting Professor in Entrepreneurship, +10yrs Executive Consultant - helped build +50 companies.

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Generi Scienze e Tecnica » Management » Carriera

Editore Youcanprint

Formato Libro

Pubblicato 07/02/2022

Pagine 220

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9791220385169

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The N. life planner. Entrepreneurship accelerator


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