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The New Posturology - Massimo Aita
The New Posturology - Massimo Aita

The New Posturology

Massimo Aita
pubblicato da ilmiolibro self publishing

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The New Posturology is a text addressed to all professionals who work in the medical field and who care about the health and well-being of their patients. The adjective "New" characterizes Posturology according to a conception that reformulates classical Posturology; the method created is the result of the synthesis between different fields of medicine, including physiotherapy, osteopathy, dentistry and rehabilitation.The evaluative and rehabilitative approach of The New Posturology, articulated according to a clear scientific approach, excites the reader, integrating different medical disciplines and fusing Brazilian theories of functional orthopedics with the osteopathic discipline. The text makes a significant contribution to resolving the confusion that often reigns in the postural sphere and which often discourages professionals who approach this discipline.

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Generi Salute e Benessere » Medicina

Editore Ilmiolibro Self Publishing

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 02/12/2019

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788892365445

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