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The Spenders: A Tale of the Third Generation - Harry Leon Wilson
The Spenders: A Tale of the Third Generation - Harry Leon Wilson

The Spenders: A Tale of the Third Generation

Harry Leon Wilson
pubblicato da Library of Alexandria

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The wanderers of earth turned to heroutcast of the older lands With a promise and hope in their pleading, and she reached them pitying hands; And she cried to the Old-World cities that drowse by the Eastern main: "Send me your weary, house-worn broods and I'll send you Men again! Lo, here in my wind-swept reaches, by my marshalled peaks of snow, Is room for a larger reaping than your o'ertilled fields can grow. Seed of the Main Seed springing to stature and strength in my sun, Free with a limitless freedom no battles of men have won," For men, like the grain of the corn fields, grow small in the huddled crowd, And weak for the breath of spaces where a soul may speak aloud; For hills, like stairways to heaven, shaming the level track, And sick with the clang of pavements and the marts of the trafficking pack. Greatness is born of greatness, and breadth of a breadth profound; The old Antaean fable of strength renewed from the ground Was a human truth for the ages; since the hour of the Edenbirth That man among men was strongest who stood with his feet on the earth! "The fair and sometimes uncertain daughter of the house of Milbrey" "'Well, Billy Brue,--what's doin'?'" "The spell was broken

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei , Storia e Biografie » Storia: opere generali » Storia: specifici argomenti , Salute Benessere Self Help » Mente, corpo, spirito

Editore Library Of Alexandria

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 24/02/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781465516732

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The Spenders: A Tale of the Third Generation


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