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The Theft of Aida - Language Course Italian Level B1 - Alessandra Barabaschi
The Theft of Aida - Language Course Italian Level B1 - Alessandra Barabaschi

The Theft of Aida - Language Course Italian Level B1

Alessandra Barabaschi
pubblicato da mainebook Verlag

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The story in short: Annika works in a museum, where several objects belonging to the famous composer Giuseppe Verdi are exhibited. She also takes singing lessons with the tenor Maestro Bertonzi, because she'd like to become an opera singer. But someone steals the Libretto of the opera "Aida" and Annika is among the suspects. She'll have to find the thief in order to clear her name. The book also contains several entertaining exercises, which will help you learn faster: "Read & Learn", Focus on Grammar, Solutions, Dossiers 1 + 2

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Generi Scienze umane » Linguistica

Editore Mainebook Verlag

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 05/12/2013

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9783944124308

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The Theft of Aida - Language Course Italian Level B1


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