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The Vertical Dimension in Prosthesis and Orthognathodontics - Nazzareno Bassetti
The Vertical Dimension in Prosthesis and Orthognathodontics - Nazzareno Bassetti

The Vertical Dimension in Prosthesis and Orthognathodontics

Nazzareno Bassetti
pubblicato da EDRA Publications LLC

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It is more and more frequent in complex rehabilitations that the aesthetic assessment pre vails over function. This book's objective consists in outlining an operative management path of the vertical dimension where the optimal restoration of function coincides with the aesthetic result. The vertical dimension is crucial both for a proper reconstruction of the occlusion and for a rehabilitation directed to the whole stomatognathic system. The text proposes in a simple and practical way the key concepts drawn from Prof. Slavicek and Prof. Sato's philosophy, cutting across all the rehabilitative branches of dentistry, from removable to fixed prosthesis, from implant prosthesis to orthodontics, either that of the growing age or the one implemented in adult patients.

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Generi Salute e Benessere » Medicina

Editore Edra Publications Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 21/05/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788821443732

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The Vertical Dimension in Prosthesis and Orthognathodontics


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