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The Word "God" in the King James Bible - Complete Concordances and Biblical Key - Valerio Di Stefano
The Word "God" in the King James Bible - Complete Concordances and Biblical Key - Valerio Di Stefano

The Word "God" in the King James Bible - Complete Concordances and Biblical Key

Valerio Di Stefano
pubblicato da youcanprint

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I made, in 2014, the General Concordances (or Biblical Keys) of the King James Bible.Now is the time to arrange for their publication for the benefit of readers.I cannot say, at the time of publishing these introductory notes, whether the work will be published in its complete form and what solutions will be adopted. But these concordances of the word "God" constitute a first orientation towards the realization of the project.The word "God" occurs 4446 times in the original text of the King James Translation, but the possible interpretations of this numerical data are numerous and extremely complex.I leave this short work to my scrupulous readers.These concordances were created using the DBT 2.0 software, created by Eugenio Picchi and Pasquale Stoppelli for the Institute of Computational Linguistics of the CNR in Pisa.And I have nothing to add, at the moment.

Valerio Di Stefano
February, 2025

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Educativi » Religione , Famiglia Scuola e Università » Libri Scuola , Scienze umane » Religione » Bibbia

Editore Youcanprint

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/02/2025

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9791222798097

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The Word "God" in the King James Bible - Complete Concordances and Biblical Key


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