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The artillery of the Armed Forces of the Italian Social Republic - Carlo Cucut
The artillery of the Armed Forces of the Italian Social Republic - Carlo Cucut

The artillery of the Armed Forces of the Italian Social Republic

Carlo Cucut
pubblicato da Luca Cristini Editore

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The present study intends to fill, or at least try to partially fill, a gap in the artillery equipment present in the Departments of the Armed Forces of the Italian Social Republic. This is a difficult subject to evaluate since, with the exception of the four Divisions trained in Germany and equipped on the basis of well-defined armament tables, all the Departments that fought under the flag of RSI, did not have a battle order defined by tables. of armament, but they were rather armed with what they had found or recovered during the months of reconstruction.

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Generi Storia e Biografie » Storia militare » Storia d'Italia e delle Regioni italiane » Storia d'Italia

Editore Luca Cristini Editore

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/10/2020

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788893276832

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The artillery of the Armed Forces of the Italian Social Republic


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