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The end of Social Media - Mario Moroni
The end of Social Media - Mario Moroni

The end of Social Media

Mario Moroni
pubblicato da youcanprint

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The countdown has begun. The atmosphere is grim: as social media empires are shaking, millions of human beings have found themselves at home overnight, and an equal number are teetering on the edge of the abyss: A.I. undermining jobs, realistic capitalism, engagement economy, influencers, crypto, trolls, isolation, singularity, and singleness. Yet social media was supposed to throw open all the doors for us, become the new politics, make us freer, more open, and much richer, finally without effort. Mario Moroni lives in a watermill, he's a podcaster with Il Caffettino, an event moderator, and a writer. His first book - "Startup di Merda" - released in 2017, was a bestseller.

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Generi Informatica e Web » Social media

Editore Youcanprint

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/03/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9791222730929

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The end of Social Media


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