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The library of the answers - Pier Ferrè
The library of the answers - Pier Ferrè

The library of the answers

Pier Ferrè
pubblicato da NDV Edizioni

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They said:
- An emotional story
- A poetic, caressing and profound book.
- Nice to end a book with a smile and moist eyes.

There is an unknown place in the heart of Rome.
There are no roads or streets to get there.
It is a very special bookshop, hidden in the folds of time, a place where the boundary between the real and the imaginary melts.
This seemingly magical place exists in the heart of Rome. You cannot look it up on a map because, if the time comes, it will find you... wherever you are.

Four different characters, each one for himself, will stumble upon this strange library, where they will be welcomed by Mr Smith, a man of indefinable age, ready to offer the right words so that his guests can visit that place, and by Miss Grey, a splendid sly cat who, in her own way, is at the helm of that magical place

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Fantasy » Fantasy

Editore Ndv Edizioni

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 20/11/2024

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 1230008554147

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The library of the answers


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