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The new composers. Easy piano. Ediz. italiana. Vol. 2
The new composers. Easy piano. Ediz. italiana. Vol. 2

The new composers. Easy piano. Ediz. italiana. Vol. 2

pubblicato da Volontè & Co

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Secondo volume della serie bestseller "New Composers" Piano Facile, i più grandi successi di compositori contemporanei: A Gift of a Thistle / For the Love ofa Princess (from Braveheart) - James Horner, Aria (Per respirare) - Giovanni Allevi, Becoming One of "The People" / Becoming One with Neytiri (from Avatar) - James Horner, Concerning Hobbits (from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) - Howard Shore, Harry's Wondrous World (from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) - John Williams, I'm Forrest... Forrest Gump / You're No Different (from Forrest Gump) - Alan Silvestri, Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto - Ennio Morricone, J'y Suis Jamais Allé (from Amélie) - Yann Tiersen, Le onde - Ludovico Einaudi, Mariage d'amour - Paul de Senneville / Richard Clayderman, Nefeli - Ludovico Einaudi, Now We Are Free (from Gladiator) - Hans Zimmer, Klaus Badelt, Lisa Gerrard, Oceano (from Tree of Life - Expo Italy 2015) - Roberto Cacciapaglia, Star Wars (from Star Wars) - John Williams, Stella del mattino - Ludovico Einaudi, Tabù - Remo Anzovino, The Cider House Rules (from The Cider House Rules) - Rachel Portman, Time (from Inception) - Hans Zimmer. In the wake of the success of EASY PIANO - THE NEW COMPOSERS Volume 1, here it is the Second Volume of the Series. The publication includes even more titles, and all different from the first volume. A Gift of a Thistle / For the Love ofa Princess (from Braveheart) - James Horner, Aria (Per respirare) - Giovanni Allevi, Becoming One of "The People" / Becoming One with Neytiri (from Avatar) - James Horner, Concerning Hobbits (from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) - Howard Shore, Harry's Wondrous World (from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) - John Williams, I'm Forrest... Forrest Gump / You're No Different (from Forrest Gump) - Alan Silvestri, Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto - Ennio Morricone, J'y Suis Jamais Allé (from Amélie) - Yann Tiersen, Le onde - Ludovico Einaudi, Mariage d'amour - Paul de Senneville / Richard Clayderman, Nefeli - Ludovico Einaudi, Now We Are Free (from Gladiator) - Hans Zimmer, Klaus Badelt, Lisa Gerrard, Oceano (from Tree of Life - Expo Italy 2015) - Roberto Cacciapaglia, Star Wars (from Star Wars) - John Williams, Stella del mattino - Ludovico Einaudi, Tabù - Remo Anzovino, The Cider House Rules (from The Cider House Rules) - Rachel Portman, Time (from Inception) - Hans Zimmer.

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Musica » Strumenti musicali » Apprendimento e spartiti

Editore Volontè & Co

Formato Brossura

Pubblicato 10/11/2020

Pagine 88

Lingua Italiano

Isbn o codice id 9788863887860

Curatore Franco Concina

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The new composers. Easy piano. Ediz. italiana. Vol. 2


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