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The practical magician and ventriloquist's guide
The practical magician and ventriloquist's guide

The practical magician and ventriloquist's guide

pubblicato da StreetLib

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My object in writing these hints on Conjuring is for the benefit of amateurs to promote lively and entertaining amusement for the home circle and social gatherings. My large experience enables me to explain and simplify many of the best tricks and illusions of the art. I present the key to many of the mystical mysteries which have puzzled and bewildered our childhood days as well as confounded us in our maturer years. The young student can in a very short time, if he be in the least of an ingenious turn, amuse and astonish his friends, neighbors and acquaintances.

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Spettacolo » Magia e giochi di prestigio

Editore Streetlib

Formato Brossura

Pubblicato 01/01/2017

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9788826472638

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The practical magician and ventriloquist's guide


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