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The very best of 1980 2000 - Ub40
The very best of 1980 2000 - Ub40

The very best of 1980 2000

pubblicato da Universal Music

Prezzo online:
Disponibile in 6-7. la disponibilità è espressa in giorni lavorativi e fa riferimento ad un singolo pezzo
Prodotto acquistabile con Carte Cultura
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Lista dei brani

1 Red Red Wine
2 Kingstown Town
3 Higher Ground
4 King
5 Cherry Oh Baby
6 I Got You Babe
7 Come Back Darling
8 One In Ten
9 The Earth Dies Screaming
10 Watchdogs
11 Don4t Break My Heart
12 Can4t Help Falling In Love
13 Sing Our Own Song
14 Tell Me Is It True
15 Rat In Mi Kitchen
16 Bring Me You Cup
17 Light My Fire
18 If It Happens Again
19 Food For Thought
20 Many Rivers To Cross

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Generi Pop Rock internazionale

Etichetta Universal Music

Formato Audio CD

Pubblicato 01/04/2013

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 0724385042423

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The very best of 1980 2000


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