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The way out - Joseph Sieber Benner
The way out - Joseph Sieber Benner

The way out

Joseph Sieber Benner
pubblicato da StreetLib

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We know that for many people finances are often a problem. All followers of Jesus Christ should learn the law that, if obeyed, will enable them to come out of all the conditions of lack, limitation, disharmony, sickness and unhappiness that can manifest. You ask whether this is really possible and whether there is a law that, if obeyed, will enable us to accomplish this. We strongly say that this law exists and that you can be free from fear and the domination of money, that you can have an abundance of all good things, that you can be well and happy, and that you can bring about perfect harmony in all areas of your life, if you want these things enough to train yourself to obey this law. You say you would do anything to obtain these wonderful blessings, if it is humanly possible. Not only is it possible, but anyone who is animated by this desire can do it. In fact, know a great truth: your Higher Self allows you to be in these unhappy conditions only so that you can seek and obtain the knowledge, power and ability to control them, to get rid of them forever and assume your true place in life, thus receiving the inheritance of good that is here for you, whenever you become wise and strong enough to claim it and use it for the good of others and not for selfish ends. First of all, know that it is all a matter of conscience and that you alone are to blame for these conditions, for it is you who create them and keep them firmly in your consciousness, otherwise they would not manifest so clearly. All this is taught to us in the great words, "As man thinks in his heart, so it is." Now, if you are ready to hear the law, we will set it out in words that everyone can understand. Take note of these words and let them impress themselves upon you, so that from now on they live in your mind as a guiding influence. "WHATEVER YOU THINK AND HOLD IN CONSCIOUSNESS AS SUCH IS EXTERNALIZED IN YOUR BODY OR AFFAIRS."

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Generi Psicologia e Filosofia » Psicologia » Opere divulgative e generali , Salute Benessere Self Help » Self Help » Autoaiuto e valorizzazione personale

Editore Streetlib

Formato Brossura

Pubblicato 29/09/2022

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9791222005782

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The way out


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