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Transformations - Zornitza Kratchmarova
Transformations - Zornitza Kratchmarova


Zornitza Kratchmarova
pubblicato da Informant

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No art galleries, no agents, no sponsors. In order to see their works become true, they risked more and more times to file bankrupcy, they arranged a truce between two historical enemies like Jacques Chirac and Francois Mitterrand, and they even ended up milking cows in California.Christo and Jeanne-Claude, for over half a century a strong couple in work and life, have turned the art world upside down thanks to their monstre installations: works that through the bundling of monuments and places, can reveal their true meanings.For the first time ever a book deals with their lives and their art paths, thanks to the words of men and women who sticked with them to accomplish their visionary projects over four continents.Ten interviews to as many big witnesses of their work, grown up despite of denials and difficulties. Ten people who, in final, got themselves heavily changed, too. From Wolfgang Volz, photographer and sider of the couple, to the collector John Kaldor; from Frank Seltenheim, the tightrope walker of the Reichstag, to Umberta Gnutti Beretta, who offered her family island for Christo's comeback on the world art scene after Jeanne-Claude disappeared.Foreword by Ettore Camuffo. Preface by Stefano Lucchini.Translation by Wendell Ricketts.

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Generi Arte Beni culturali e Fotografia » Teoria delle arti e opere generali » Artisti

Editore Informant

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 13/06/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788898194605

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