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Unconventional relatives and antecedents in disguise: german clefts and free relative clauses - Sabrina Bertollo
Unconventional relatives and antecedents in disguise: german clefts and free relative clauses - Sabrina Bertollo

Unconventional relatives and antecedents in disguise: german clefts and free relative clauses

Sabrina Bertollo
pubblicato da QuiEdit

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German clefts and free relatives are generally considered relative clauses. However, there is something special about them. Clefts resemble "regular" relative clauses but crucially differ from them in their semantics and functions, whereas free relatives lack an overt antecedent. Why are German clefts extremely marginal and free relatives highly constrained? Is there anything in common between these two different types of "unconventional" relatives? The exploration of the mechanisms which rule their uses will disclose the fil rouge which binds the two constructions. The hypothesis is that both structures imply a silent head, i.e. an antecedent "in disguise", which is responsible of the syntax-semantics mismatch in clefts and of the constraints which limit the acceptability of German free relatives.

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Generi Scienze umane » Linguistica » Paleografia e storia della scrittura

Editore Quiedit

Formato Brossura

Pubblicato 01/01/2024

Pagine 340

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9788864647838

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Unconventional relatives and antecedents in disguise: german clefts and free relative clauses


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