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Uniforms of Russian army in the era of ancient Tzar - Aleksandr Vasilevich Viskovatov - Luca Stefano Cristini
Uniforms of Russian army in the era of ancient Tzar - Aleksandr Vasilevich Viskovatov - Luca Stefano Cristini

Uniforms of Russian army in the era of ancient Tzar

Aleksandr Vasilevich Viskovatov - Luca Stefano Cristini
pubblicato da Soldiershop

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Compiled at Saint Petersburg during the years from 1837 and 1851, the Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army has had an enormous impact and great importance for the study on the history of Russian costume and uniformology development over the past centuries. The Viskovatov's enormous work is based on a great quantity of archival documents and contains four thousand colored and b/w illustrations. It is composed by 30 or 34 volumes (1st edition 1-30, St. Petersburg, 1841-62, and 2nd edition Vols. 1-34, St. Petersburg - Novosibirsk - Leningrad, 1899-1948). The topics discussed start from the early czars until the late nineteenth century.
Our new edition has enriched the book with the plates: we revised and colored many of the images so far available just in black and white, as well we found some rare color plates with the collaboration of private collectors. These, together with the first ever English translation, make our collection exclusive and of great value.This volume is devoted to the Russian army uniforms under the reign of the ancient Tzar of the XVIIth century.

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Generi Storia e Biografie » Storia dell'Europa » Storia militare » Periodi storici » Storia moderna (1450-1700 ca.)

Editore Soldiershop

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/03/2018

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788893273336

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Uniforms of Russian army in the era of ancient Tzar


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