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A geometrical-mathematical representation of past, present and escathological future of world history - Federico Tambara
A geometrical-mathematical representation of past, present and escathological future of world history - Federico Tambara

A geometrical-mathematical representation of past, present and escathological future of world history

Federico Tambara
pubblicato da youcanprint

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A flavour of "esotericism" permeates this fundamentally educational book covering interdisciplinary fields that belong not only to Science but also to History from an escathological point of view. Serious readers will find great interest in associating, for example, comparatively easy mathematical and physical concepts with secret historical numerology: surprising discoveries lurk in every page of this Research Study where, in its Conclusion, a well-prepared but also malicious interviewer will try to polemically defy the Author as regards both his scientific-philosophical and his historical-escathological analysis!

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Matematica

Editore Youcanprint

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 14/03/2019

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788831610018

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A geometrical-mathematical representation of past, present and escathological future of world history


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