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George E. Atwood

L abisso della follia

L'abisso della follia

George E. Atwood
edito da Giovanni Fioriti Editore, 2016

Libri - Libro

20,90 € 22,00 -5%

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The Abyss of Madness

The Abyss of Madness

George E. Atwood
edito da Taylor & Francis, 2012

eBooks - Ebook

52,11 €

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Structures of Subjectivity

Structures of Subjectivity

George E. Atwood , Robert D. Stolorow
edito da Taylor & Francis, 2014

eBooks - Ebook

52,11 €

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The Power of Phenomenology

The Power of Phenomenology

Robert D. Stolorow , George E. Atwood
edito da Taylor & Francis, 2018

eBooks - Ebook

44,84 €

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Contexts of Being

Contexts of Being

George E. Atwood , Robert D. Stolorow
edito da Taylor and Francis, 2014

eBooks - Ebook

43,63 €

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