Gwénaelle Boulet
Rémi Chaurand
Christophe Nicolas
Laurence Croix
Paul Martin
Claire Clément
stéphanie duval
edito da
BD KIDS, 2017
eBooks - Ebook
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Rachel McDermott
Daniel Polish
Tracy Pintchman
Phillipe Bornet
Aaron Gross
Purushottama Bilimoria
Paul Martin
Barbara A. Holdrege
Shoshana Razel Gordon-Guedalia
Zefat Academic College Ithamar Theodor
Mercyhurst University co-editor of Gurus in America Thomas A. Forsthoefel
George D. and Harriet W. Cornell Endowed Chair of Religion Rollins College Yudit Kornberg Greenberg
President of Institute for Advanced Torah studi Rabbi Prof. Daniel Sperber President of Institute for Advanced Torah studi Rabbi Prof. Daniel Sperber
edito da
Lexington Books, 2018
eBooks - Ebook
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